In Binary datasets, background horizontal and vertical grid can be added
When hovering over tree nodes, clades are highlighted, including any extrenal datasets. This can be disabled through the control panel settings menu ( icon in the header).
Version 6.9.1
Multi font styles can be defined through an annotation file, or interactively for individual labels
Automatic taxonomy assignment is possible on any tree. An annotation file can be used to specify the taxonomy IDs for leaf nodes.
Multiple sequence alignment datasets support proper highlighting of residues as dots. Residues can be compared to the alignment consensus sequence or to one or more reference sequences. When defined, reference
sequences can be highlighted with user styled boxes.
Version 6.5.4
Border style can be set on bootstrap/metadata display symbols
Customizable background boxes can be displayed behind bootstrap/metadata text labels, branch length labels and internal node ID labels
Version 6.5.3
Support for export of all node metadata in text modes (Newick, NEXUS) in various formats
Sorting of nodes in Newick and NEXUS exported trees mirrors the interactive display
Version 6.5.2
Pie chart datasets can be displayed as polar area diagrams
Version 6.5.1
Color gradient dataset legend can be automatically generated
when displaying metadata, multiple thresholds can be defined simultaneously (if multiple metadata sources are present)
when displaying the internal tree scale in time scale mode, labels can be rounded to a set number of decimals
dataset legend shapes can be inverted, ie. drawn with a colored border and without fill
Version 6.1.2
Automatic clade collapsing and branch deletion can be used on multi-bootstrap trees, or trees with extended node metadata
Version 6.1.1
Bootstrap/metadata symbols and labels correctly positioned over curved branches
Branch symbols dataset correctly positioned over curved branches
Version 6.1
Clipboard pasting supported in the web dataset editor
Clades can be automatically collapsed based on bootstrap values
Version 6
Complete rewrite and modernization of the user interface, personal account page and the web dataset editor
Various columns in the user account project displays can be reordered and switched on/off, with per project or account wide settings
Default position for various user interface panels can be defined
Undo menu implemented, allowing quick reversal of several editing and annotation functions
Midpoint rooting is available directly from the tree display page
When displaying metadata as branch widths, the default width can be set (for nodes not matching the selected metadata range)
In phylogenetic placements datasets, removed the limit on the number of node matching sequences that can be searched (tested with several hundred thousands)
In external shape datasets, the style of grid lines and value labels can be defined
In branch symbol datasets, border style for the symbols can be defined
In boxplot datasets, border style for the plots can be defined
In gradient datasets and colored strips, the dataset label can be displayed above the strip
Field labels above various datasets (e.g. heatmaps) can be rotated and shifted
Collapsed clade labels can be individually edited and styled
Label font size can be locked to a user specified value
Leaf-to-label connections can be solid or dashed lines
Range metadata type from MrBayes trees can be displayed as text labels or branch colors
Due to frequent system overloads, a queueing system was implemented for the figure export
New help pages with integrated video tutorials
Version 5.7
In connections datasets, connections within a single node are displayed as loops of variable size.
Text label datasets are supported in the unrooted display mode. External labels can be shifted horizontally.
Tree scale box is fully customizable, and can be disabled. Label text and size can be changed, as well as line color and width. A fixed value for the scale can be forced (so the scale value doesn't change with zooming).
Tree edits (moving/deleting nodes or clades) can be simply undone though a function in the Save/restore view function menu
Version 5.6.3
Multiple bootstrap / metadata values can be displayed simultaneously as text labels
Version 5.6.2
Individual projects can be privately shared with your collaborators. Check the Sharing data page for more details.
Version 5.6.1
Legend position can be specified in the dataset templates
Automatic color legend can be generated in Phylogenetic placements datasets, when summary type is set to 'Branch color'
Version 4.1.1
Leaf label background colors can be defined, both interactively, and through the TREE_COLORS annotation files.
Version 4.1
Initial support for QIIME 2 QZA files. QZA trees can be uploaded directly.
QZA taxonomy files dropped onto the tree will automatically assign leaf labels and create a bar chart with confidence values
QZA FeatureTable[Frequency] supported
Version 4.0.3
In Binary datasets, symbols can be aligned to the ends of leaf labels. Individual dataset fields will not be aligned to each other in this case.
Version 4.0.2
In Text labels datasets, labels can be displayed without rotation (ie. making them always appear straight)
In Image datasets, individual images will be properly aligned on all sides of the tree.
Version 4.0.1
Dataset legends and scales can be created and edited directly in the iTOL web interface
Version 4.0
Datasets can now be created and edited directly in the iTOL web interface, without using external text templates. A simple spreadsheet interface is used to enter the data. Full details are
available in the help pages and in the corresponding tutorial video.
Full support for the majority of Google Web Fonts. New fonts can be enabled by using the 'Add' button next to Label font selector.
Removed TRANSPARENT_FILL option from 'Shape plot' datasets, since FIELD_COLORS now support full RGBA color specification
Check marks can be used in branch symbol datasets
Version 3.6.1
UTF-8 characters can be used in all annotation files (for example α or β can be used in labels and elsewhere)
Multi-bootstrap values (separated with forward slashes; for example ones generated by IqTree) will be automatically parsed into separate metadata sources and available for visualization
Version 3.6
Position of the branch length labels can be adjusted
Node ages can be displayed instead of raw branch length values
Position of the bootstrap/metadata symbols and text labels can be adjusted
Version 3.5.4
Colored ranges legend is sortable
Support for custom color schemes in alignments
Version 3.5.3
Leaf sorting and node rotation supported in unrooted mode
Colored ranges properly cover clades in unrooted mode
Last tree access and last tree modification times are shown in the project tree tables
Project tree tables can be quickly sorted on any column
Information on workspace/project and last restored view name are displayed in the tree info popups
Version 3.3.2
Multiple sequence alignment datasets accept unprocessed FASTA alignments (it is no longer required to put sequences into a single line and remove space characters)
Version 3.3.1
The size of collapsed nodes can be proportional to the number of leaves within them
Any node's child leaf labels can be copied to the system clipboard
Version 3.3
colored ranges can be displayed with borders of different widths/colors
colored ranges can cover the complete tree
Bootstrap and branch length text labels can be rounded or displayed in scientific notation
Label size for heatmap and binary datasets can be changed independently
Added the function to remove all branches below specified bootstrap value
Version 3.2.3
border width and color can be set for simple barcharts, multi bar charts and pie charts
new features in the protein domains dataset:
border width and color can be set for individual domain shapes
backbone height can be changed
domains can be filled with plain colors or gradients
Version 3.2.2
new annotation file: collapse.txt, allowing simple collapsing of multiple clades
Version 3.2.1
Leaf label position can be adjusted (Label shift option)
Dashed lines connecting leaves to labels can be disbaled
Internal circle symbols can be displayed on all nodes, nodes with one child only or hidden completely
Version 3.2
Heatmap dataset legend automatically created
Heatmap dataset values corresponding to minimum, midpoint and maximum colors can be freely changed
'Duplicate tree' function available in the personal account
Version 3.1.1
Copy shared trees into personal account
Version 3.1
Batch access available
Better reporting of errors during upload
New dataset type: phylogenetic placements
Labels can be displayed above binary dataset columns
Connections dataset lines can be curved towards center and aligned to labels
Domain dataset labels font size factor implemented
Search your account trees from any page (magnifying glass in the header)
Navigation to other project trees in the tree viewer header
Many bug fixes
Version 3
Complete, from-scratch rewrite of iTOL
HTML5 Canvas based display engine
Many new bugs introduced (probably :-)
Too many changes to list...
Version 2.9
New database based backend tree storage system
Additional tree can be displayed above the heatmap datasets
Support for display of custom scales in several dataset types
Various minor updates and bug fixes
Version 2.2.2
Collapsed clades can be exported with same size and font as regular leaves
Version 2.2.1
Colored strip and gradient datasets support values assigned to internal tree nodes. These values will only be displayed when assocated clades are collapsed.
Collapsed clades can be displayed with simplylified triangles, taking less space
Version 2.2
multiple binary datasets will be automatically spread to prevent overlap
If labels are present in a color strip dataset, a legend containing the labels will be added to exported trees
Version 2.1.1
branches can be marked with custom labels
Dataset labels are optional in exported trees
Version 2.1
New dataset type: circles
Several datasets (binary, bar chart, multi-value bar chart, protein domains) support display of values associated with internal nodes of the tree. These values will only be displayed when assocated clades are collapsed.
Version 2.0.1
Pie chart position on each branch can be defined: example
Version 2.0
New dataset type: connections
Version 1.9
custom information can be displayed
in node popups; basic HTML and CSS are supported, with links and images
Version 1.8.3
trees can be rerooted when exported through batch access
Version 1.8.2
name based node filtering in the automatic NCBI tree generator
Version 1.8.1
protein IDs/ACCs (Uniprot and NCBI) supported in the automatic NCBI tree generator
Version 1.8
new tree display mode: unrooted
branches can be automatically colored based on bootstrap values
Version 1.7.1
text label colors can be defined
Version 1.7
new dataset type: boxplot
individual fileds in multi-value barchart datasets can be automatically aligned