DATASET_LINECHART #In line charts, each ID is associated to multiple pairs of numeric values, which are displayed as a line chart #lines starting with a hash are comments and ignored during parsing #select the separator which is used to delimit the data below (TAB,SPACE or COMMA).This separator must be used throughout this file. #=================================================================# # MANDATORY SETTINGS # #=================================================================# #SEPARATOR TAB SEPARATOR SPACE #SEPARATOR COMMA #label is used in the legend table (can be changed later) DATASET_LABEL example line chart #dataset color (can be changed later) COLOR #0000ff #=================================================================# # OPTIONAL SETTINGS # #=================================================================# #line colors: define a set of value and color pairs separated by a vertical line #values correspond to Y axis in the chart #for each point, the first color whose value is above the point's Y value will be used to color the dot and line extending from it #if LINE_COLORS is not used, or the value does not match any definition, the default color will be taken from variable DEFAULT_LINE_COLOR and DEFAULT_DOT_COLOR #In the example below, Y value of -10 would correspond to red and Y value of 2 would be black #LINE_COLORS -15|#ff0000 15|#000000 100|#00ff00 #Line charts can optionally have X and Y axis displayed. Individual values where axis lines are drawn can be defined #separately for X and Y axis #You can simply specify the values where lines should be drawn. #entries under AXIS_X will draw horizontal lines (i.e. values correspond to Y values) #entries under AXIS_Y will draw vertical lines (i.e. values correspond to X values) #AXIS_X -10 0 10 #AXIS_Y -20 0 20 #or you can specify value, width and color for each scale line (separated with vertical lines, format: VALUE|WIDTH|COLOR) #AXIS_X 0|1|#ff0000 500|0.5|#000000 1000|0.5|#00ff00 #AXIS_Y 50|1|#ff0000 75|0.5|#000000 100|0.5|#00ff00 #=================================================================# # all other optional settings can be set or changed later # # in the web interface (under 'Datasets' tab) # #=================================================================# #maximum width WIDTH 1000 #left margin, used to increase/decrease the spacing to the next dataset. Can be negative, causing datasets to overlap. MARGIN 0 #vertical display; if set to 1, line charts will be prependicular to the tree #To increase the space available for vertical charts, use the tree scaling factors (on the Advanced controls tab in the UI) to increase the spacing between leaves VERTICAL_CHART 0 #always show internal charts; if set, charts associated to internal nodes will be displayed even if these nodes are not collapsed. It could cause overlapping in the dataset display. SHOW_INTERNAL 0 #chart height factor; Default chart height will be slightly less than the available space between leaves, but you can set a multiplication factor here to increase/decrease it (values from 0 to 1 will decrease it, values above 1 will increase it) HEIGHT_FACTOR 1 #Charts are aligned to the node lines by default. Using CHART_SHIFT, you can move them all up/down by the specified pixel value CHART_SHIFT 0 #if set to 0, line will be not be drawn (can be used with SHOW_DOTS to only display the actual points) SHOW_LINE 1 #width of the chart line LINE_WIDTH 0.5 #defaults line/dot color, used when LINE_COLORS are not defined #DEFAULT_LINE_COLOR #0000ff #if set to 1, circles will be drawn to show the position of individual points SHOW_DOTS 1 #if SHOW_DOTS is used, DOT_SIZE will define the radius (in pixels) of individual points DOT_SIZE 2 #if SHOW_DOTS is used, DEFAULT_DOT_COLOR will define the default point color (when LINE_COLORS are not defined) #DEFAULT_DOT_COLOR #ff0000 #if set to 1, dataset label will be displayed as the title of each chart SHOW_TITLE 1 #font size for the chart title TITLE_SIZE 10 #text color for the chart title TITLE_COLOR #0000ff #by default, title will be show in the top left corner #use the following parameters to move it (in pixels) TITLE_SHIFT_X 0 TITLE_SHIFT_Y 0 #Internal tree nodes can be specified using IDs directly, or using the 'last common ancestor' method described in iTOL help pages #=================================================================# # Actual data follows after the "DATA" keyword # #=================================================================# #Each tree node should have at least 2 points associated with it #Separate individual points using SEPARATOR specified above #Separate X and Y values for each point with a vertical line #DATA #Examples #ID1 X1|Y1 X2|Y2 X3|Y3 #ID2 X4|Y4 X5|Y5 #9606 -10|-15 0|0 5|3 #LEAF1|LEAF2 0|0 10|5 20|10 30|15