DATASET_EXTERNALSHAPE #Nodes have multiple values associated with them. Values will be displayed as geometric shapes of different sizes in columns outside the tree. #Highest value in the dataset will have the largest size, and all others will be scaled down proportionally. #lines starting with a hash are comments and ignored during parsing #=================================================================# # MANDATORY SETTINGS # #=================================================================# #select the separator which is used to delimit the data below (TAB,SPACE or COMMA).This separator must be used throughout this file. #SEPARATOR TAB #SEPARATOR SPACE SEPARATOR COMMA #label is used in the legend table (can be changed later) DATASET_LABEL,example shapes dataset #dataset color (can be changed later) COLOR,#ff0000 #define colors for each individual field column (use hexadecimal, RGB or RGBA notation; if using RGB/RGBA, COMMA cannot be used as SEPARATOR) FIELD_COLORS,#ff0000,#00ff00,#0000ff #field labels FIELD_LABELS,f1,f2,f3 #=================================================================# # OPTIONAL SETTINGS # #=================================================================# #=================================================================# # all other optional settings can be set or changed later # # in the web interface (under 'Datasets' tab) # #=================================================================# #Each dataset can have a legend, which is defined using LEGEND_XXX fields below #For each row in the legend, there should be one shape, color and label. #Optionally, you can define an exact legend position using LEGEND_POSITION_X and LEGEND_POSITION_Y. To use automatic legend positioning, do NOT define these values #Optionally, shape scaling can be present (LEGEND_SHAPE_SCALES). For each shape, you can define a scaling factor between 0 and 1. #To order legend entries horizontally instead of vertically, set LEGEND_HORIZONTAL to 1 #Shape should be a number between 1 and 6, or any protein domain shape definition. #1: square #2: circle #3: star #4: right pointing triangle #5: left pointing triangle #6: checkmark #LEGEND_TITLE,Dataset legend #LEGEND_SCALE,1 #LEGEND_POSITION_X,100 #LEGEND_POSITION_Y,100 #LEGEND_HORIZONTAL,0 #LEGEND_SHAPES,1,2,3 #LEGEND_COLORS,#ff0000,#00ff00,#0000ff #LEGEND_LABELS,value1,value2,value3 #LEGEND_SHAPE_SCALES,1,1,0.5 #left margin, used to increase/decrease the spacing to the next dataset. Can be negative, causing datasets to overlap. #MARGIN,0 #always show internal values; if set, values associated to internal nodes will be displayed even if these nodes are not collapsed. It could cause overlapping in the dataset display. #SHOW_INTERNAL,0 #show dashed lines between leaf labels and the dataset DASHED_LINES,1 #shape height factor; Default shape height will be slightly less than the available space between leaves, but you can set a multiplication factor here to increase/decrease it (values from 0 to 1 will decrease it, values above 1 will increase it) #HEIGHT_FACTOR,1 #vertical and horizontal grids can be displayed connecting the shapes #HORIZONTAL_GRID,1 #VERTICAL_GRID,1 #horizontal spacing between shape columns #SHAPE_SPACING,10 #Shape types: #1: square #2: circle #3: star #4: right pointing triangle #5: left pointing triangle #SHAPE_TYPE,2 #if set to 0, only outlines will be shown #COLOR_FILL,1 #if set to 1, actual numeric value will be show in the center of each shape #SHOW_VALUES,1 #color of the value labels #VALUE_COLOR,#000000 #calculate the value label color automatically (black or white), based on the darkness of the shape #VALUE_AUTO_COLOR,1 #display or hide the text labels above each field column #SHOW_LABELS,1 #text label size factor #SIZE_FACTOR,1 #text label rotation #LABEL_ROTATION,0 #text label shift in pixels (positive or negative) #LABEL_SHIFT,0 #=================================================================# # Actual data follows after the "DATA" keyword # #=================================================================# DATA #Internal tree nodes can be specified using IDs directly, or using the 'last common ancestor' method described in iTOL help pages #ID1,value1,value2,value3 #ID2,value4,value5,value6 #9606,10,10,20,40 #LEAF1|LEAF2,50,60,80,90